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Welcome to Cavemen Youth Football's home on the web!

Here you'll be able to get news, information, schedules, rosters, directions and much much more. Check back frequently for the latest information.  As an individual athlete, 'I' am known as a Caveman and as an organization, 'We' are known as Cavemen. 

2025 Player Registration

Registration is NOW OPEN!

Click Here!

Key Information:


  • 1st - 7th Grade = $295.00
  • 8th - 9th Grade = $340.00


  • 4th - 8th Grade - July 21st - July 23rd



Thursday, June 12th, 2025

Evergreen Park



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Account by clicking on the

'Sign In' link at the top

right of this page.

CYF HundredX Survey

May 1st - June 1st

**More details to come**



TRYOUTS - GRADES 4th - 8th

July 21st - July 23rd



Dick's Sporting Goods (American Fork)


2025 Coaches Registration - OPEN

Required for ALL Head and Assistant Coaches that desire to Coach in the CYF


Click Here!

Important Dates

2025 Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Equipment Handout
    • TBD
  • Tryouts  
    • 4th - 8th Grade - July 21st - July 23rd
  • Caveman Kickoff - Friday, August 8th
  • Games Begin - TBD

9th Graders:

9th Grade Spring Practices Begin:  April 8th *Tuesday's & Thursday's)

9th Grade SUU Camp: June 23rd - June 26th



Friday, August 8th

More Details to Come!!!

6 Reasons Why Local Businesses Should Sponsor AF Caveman Youth Football

Large national brands have become ingrained in professional-level sports. With fans' strong emotional ties to sports, companies know they can score some of the love by sponsoring halftime shows, finish lines, seating sections and more.   
Sports sponsorship isn't just a game for the big leagues. Many savvy small businesses invest in sponsoring local community sports organizations. Some consider their sponsorship a charitable contribution and others, a form of advertising. Either way, it's a win-win relationship that pays off for the sponsor and the team.
Here are 6 reasons why businesses should sponsor American Fork Caveman Youth Football:

  1. Increase awareness of the company's products and services. Each sponsorship package has benefits for the sponsor built in: field signage, website advertising, etc. Through a sponsorship, a company's brand will be in front of the youth sports market of parents, relatives, coaches, program organizers, players and fans.
  2. A welcomed form of advertising. In most settings consumers are inclined to tune out advertising. Although many traditional ways of reaching consumers are failing, youth sports sponsorships are a positive and engaging way to market a brand. Parents like to see that companies are supporting local sports and will partronize those businesses.
  3. Help keep the cost of the Caveman football program low for local youth. Player participation fees cover most of the costs of our program but support from sponsors could provide additional resources which can help keep participation fees low. With lower fees, more families can afford to sign up and that means more children being able to receive the many benefits of sports.
  4. Outstanding value for the dollars invested. Although sponsorship package costs vary, they commonly range from $100 up to $5,000 or more. When comparing the cost of other marketing outlets like print, television and billboard advertising, Caveman Youth Football sponsorship can be a great value and a smart option to include into the marketing mix.
  5. Build goodwill. Companies that sponsor the AF Caveman Youth Football program make a positive contribution to their community. Overall this can evoke a community wide feeling that a company understands the impact and importance of sports for their youth. This feeling can instill loyalty among a business' current and future patrons.
  6. Possible tax incentive. AF Caveman Youth Football is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit group. Sponsoring businesses can get a tax break for making a charitable donation. That is just another added benefit of sponsoring our wonderful youth.

We know $500 from a local company to AF Caveman Youth Football goes a long way to offset the rising costs of sports. But what the company may find is that their sponsorship also goes a long way to strengthen the bond between their brand and our community.

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Contact Us

Caveman Youth Football

Phone: 801-510-6742

CYF was a 2017 USA Football Grant Recipient

CYF was a 2017 USA Football Grant Recipient